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Artificial orthopedics

Artificial orthopedics

Artificial orthopedics, often referred to as orthopedic implants or prosthetics, is a specialized field of medicine and engineering focused on the design, development, and implementation of artificial devices to restore or enhance the function of the musculoskeletal system. These devices are used to replace or assist damaged or missing bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Here is a brief description of some common types of artificial orthopedic devices:

  1. Joint Replacements: Artificial joints are commonly used to replace damaged or arthritic joints. These can include hip replacements, knee replacements, and shoulder replacements. They are typically made from biocompatible materials such as metal alloys, ceramics, and polyethylene.

  2. Orthopedic Implants: These are various types of implants used to stabilize or repair bones and fractures. For example, plates, screws, and rods are used to fix broken bones, while artificial disks can be implanted in the spine to replace damaged intervertebral disks.

  3. Orthotic Devices: Orthotic devices are external supports or braces that help to correct or improve the alignment of the musculoskeletal system. They can be used for various purposes, such as supporting a weak limb or correcting foot and ankle deformities.

  4. Prosthetics: Prosthetic devices are used to replace missing limbs, such as arms or legs. They are custom-designed to fit the patient and provide functional mobility and independence.

  5. Biomechanical Implants: These implants are designed to improve or restore biomechanical functions, such as artificial ligaments and tendons. They are used to repair or reinforce soft tissues in the body.

  6. Artificial Cartilage: Researchers are developing artificial cartilage materials to treat conditions like osteoarthritis, offering a potential alternative to joint replacement.

Artificial orthopedic devices have greatly improved the quality of life for individuals suffering from musculoskeletal conditions or injuries. They are continually evolving with advancements in materials, design, and surgical techniques to provide more natural and long-lasting solutions for patients. The field of artificial orthopedics plays a crucial role in helping people regain mobility and reduce pain, ultimately enhancing their overall well-being.


Absence of hip joint  cause acute pain and disable your leg unit and it can be corrected. It can also cause secondary injuries to the surrounding blood vessels, nerves ligaments and tissues .It can also cause a long term damage if it is not treated right away.


To design a 3D Model of Hip Joint to help physically challenged people so that it's easy for them to do their daily chores.


The artificial hip joint, also known as a hip prosthesis, is a medical device used to replace a damaged or worn-out natural hip joint. It serves several important functions:

  1. Pain Relief: One of the primary functions of an artificial hip joint is to alleviate the severe pain and discomfort caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hip fractures, or other degenerative hip diseases. By replacing the damaged joint, the prosthetic hip can significantly reduce or eliminate pain.

  2. Improved Mobility: An artificial hip joint helps restore mobility and range of motion in the hip joint. This can enable individuals to perform everyday activities, such as walking, standing, and climbing stairs, with greater ease and less pain.

  3. Stability and Support: The artificial hip joint provides stability to the hip, reducing the risk of falls and injuries that can occur due to hip joint instability. It supports the body's weight and helps distribute the load evenly through the hip joint.

  4. Enhanced Quality of Life: By restoring pain-free mobility and function, an artificial hip joint can enhance a person's overall quality of life. It allows individuals to maintain their independence and engage in activities they may have had to give up due to hip joint problems.

  5. Durability and Longevity: Modern artificial hip joints are designed to be durable and long-lasting, with materials such as metal, plastic, and ceramic components that can withstand the rigors of daily use.

  6. Surgical Advancements: Advances in surgical techniques and materials used in hip joint replacements have made the procedure safer and more effective, leading to faster recovery times and reduced post-operative complications.

  7. Customization: Artificial hip joints come in various designs and sizes to accommodate the unique needs and anatomy of each patient. Surgeons can choose the most suitable prosthetic for the individual to optimize the outcome.

  8. Prosthetic Compatibility: Artificial hip joints can be customized to work with a patient's natural bone structure and musculature, promoting better integration with the surrounding tissues.

In summary, the primary function of an artificial hip joint is to relieve pain, restore mobility, provide stability, and improve the overall quality of life for individuals suffering from hip joint problems. This medical device has significantly advanced over the years, and it plays a crucial role in improving the well-being of many people with hip-related issues.

Technology used

The technology used in hip joint replacements has advanced significantly over the years, incorporating various materials, designs, and surgical techniques to improve the effectiveness and longevity of these procedures. Here are some of the key technologies and materials used in hip joint replacement:

  1. Prosthetic Materials:

    • Metal-on-Polyethylene: Traditional hip implants use a combination of metal (usually cobalt-chromium or titanium) for the ball component and a polyethylene plastic for the socket component.
    • Metal-on-Metal: Some hip implants use metal-on-metal components, where both the ball and socket are made of metal. However, these have become less common due to concerns about metal debris and adverse reactions in some patients.
  2. Ceramic-on-Polyethylene: In ceramic-on-polyethylene hip replacements, the ball is made of a ceramic material, and the socket is made of polyethylene. This combination can reduce wear and provide good durability.

  3. Ceramic-on-Ceramic: Ceramic-on-ceramic hip implants use ceramic components for both the ball and socket. They are known for their low wear rates and low friction, which can lead to increased longevity.

  4. Modular Implants: Modular hip implants allow for more flexibility in customizing the implant's size, offset, and other parameters to match the patient's anatomy and needs.

  5. Improved Bearing Surfaces: Advances in bearing surface materials have reduced wear and the risk of implant-related complications. These materials may include highly cross-linked polyethylene, which is more wear-resistant than conventional polyethylene.

  6. Minimally Invasive Surgery: Minimally invasive techniques involve smaller incisions and less tissue disruption, resulting in shorter recovery times and reduced scarring.

  7. Computer-Assisted Surgery: Computer-assisted navigation and robotics can aid surgeons in achieving more precise positioning of the hip implant components, potentially improving outcomes.

  8. 3D Printing: Additive manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing, can be used to create custom implants and surgical guides tailored to the patient's specific anatomy.

  9. Improved Implant Design: Hip implant designs have evolved to optimize stability, range of motion, and biomechanical performance. These designs consider factors like size, shape, and material choices.

  10. Biomaterials: Ongoing research explores the use of biocompatible materials and coatings to improve the integration of the implant with the surrounding bone and tissues.

  11. Cementless Fixation: Cementless implants rely on the natural bone's ability to grow into and bond with the implant's surface, providing long-term stability.

  12. Enhanced Imaging: High-resolution imaging, such as MRI and CT scans, assists in preoperative planning and assessment of the patient's hip joint condition.

It's important to note that the choice of technology and materials for a hip joint replacement is determined by the patient's individual condition and needs, as well as the surgeon's expertise. Advances in hip joint replacement technology continue to improve the success rates and long-term outcomes of these procedures, offering patients greater mobility and improved quality of life. 

Price-3 lakhs to 3.5 lakhs

Thank you {from Daksh sain and Ayantik}with great contribution by Madhav and Atharv



Indian Inventors
Published by
Indian Inventors


About Makershala

Makershala is a Learning by Making ecosystem for kids from age 8-16 to help them discover their interests, develop future skills and deepen conceptual understanding. Makershala follows the Project Based Learning approach as its way of teaching in which kids work on authentic, real life & personally meaningful projects.

Kids work on these projects in different educational settings, namely; self-learning; online 1:4 Peer to Peer with a mentor; or in a school. Projects are categorized in different interest segments like Robotics, Coding, Electronics, 3D Printing, Animations, Photography, Machine Learning, Astronomy and many more.

Each project is mapped with classroom concepts, 21st century skills, UN sustainable development goals and interests/careers to not only focus on holistic development of a child but help them identify their calling by giving them exposure to problems that exist in the real world.

Why Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning has the potential to solve many of the learning problems we see today beyond foundational literacy.

  • Ownership: Learners have complete ownership on what they need to know to solve a problem and come up with the best solution in the best way. It can be a concept or a software tool or a skill. Kids involved in projects are never required to be told to study.

  • Interdisciplinary: Unlike traditional learning where subjects are taught in silos and learners develop a perception of liking or disliking a subject. In project based learning, the given problem is supreme and it may require to know something from maths, science and history together.

  • Experiential learning: We generally retain 75% of what we do as opposed to only 5% of what we hear and 10% of what we read, hence PBL helps kids retain what they learn.

  • Lifelong learning: The most important gift that PBL gives to its learners is to make them lifelong learners as this is the most required skill to lead a good life, personally & professionally.

  • Skills & Knowledge balance: Project-based learning doesn’t focus too much on memorizing information, rather it equally demands practising life skills to be able to do better in projects.

How Makershala Works

  • Parents and Kids who wish to start their journey with Makershala, are suggested to pick one interest area of the child and then choose a plan.

  • Parents and Kids after enrolling in a course based on their interest are assigned a batch. Each batch has 3-4 learners and 1 mentor.

  • Each course has 6 guided projects and 1 challenge project.

  • During the project, formative assessments are conducted to evaluate learner’s knowledge & skills.

  • On completion of a project parents and kids get a learning report which indicates the skills and knowledge developed/displayed by them.

  • Kids also build their portfolio which showcases problems solved, solutions created, skills developed, knowledge acquired and technologies learnt.

  • Kids earn rewards in the form of badges, points and coins for their performance in a project, course and overall.

  • Kids are maneuvered to take up courses and projects from different learning segments to gain more clarity on their interests. This eventually helps them in picking up a career.