STEAM Projects Overview

Level Project Reference Links Tech-Skill Domain Project Brief Duration Activities/
Tech Tool Inter-Disciplinary Connect Skills Connect
1 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Code a bot Project Brief

Coding To create a sequence of instructions (an algorithm) to navigate a route in the classroom using a robot. 5 Hrs 10 Engagements Block Programming Kit Maps, Sorting living and non-living things based on characteristics, Devices, Length, Algorithm, Controls, Troubleshooting, Logical thinking, Problem solving, Data analysis, Application, Consensus, Self- Awareness
2 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Shaping Structures Project Briefđź”—

Design To use a combination of shapes for making a bridge design that can help people cross a river . 6 Hrs 12 Engagements Straw Construction Kit Shapes and its attributes, Lines and Angles, 2D figures and its classification, Design in Technology and Engineering Education Problem solving, Logical thinking, Novel Ideas, Self awareness
3 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Pick me up Project Brief

Coding To design and code a puzzle game with a character to pick up scattered objects from a garden to make it clean . 8 Hrs 16 Engagements Scratch 3.0, Habitats and Survival, Ecosystem, Devices, Hardware and software, Algorithms, Modularity, Control, Program Development, Troubleshooting Problem Solving, Empathy, Application, Consensus, Reasoning, Self- Awareness, Adaptability,
4 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) A Veggie Piano Project Brief

Electronics To build physical keys with play dough, vegetables and an invention kit to play a virtual piano. 6 Hrs 12 Engagements Makey-makey, Piano app Devices, Hardware and software, Troubleshooting, Electrical Problem solving, Reasoning, Novel Ideas, Inventiveness, Data analysis, Articulation, Application, Empathy
5 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Green Routing Project Brief

Coding Code a robot to take the shortest path on its travel from point A to B 7 Hrs 14 Engagements Block Programming Kit Energy and fuels, Conservation of resources, Conservation of energy, Length, Maps, Devices, Hardware and Software, Program Development, Hardware and software, Modularity, Algorithm, Controls, Lines and Angles, Troubleshooting Problem solving, Perspective, Application, Data analysis, Dialogue, Self- Awareness, Social Awareness, Fluency,
6 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Human piano Project Brief

Electronics To build physical keys of a computer using our hands and an invention kit to play a virtual piano and a drum set. 6 Hrs 12 Engagements Makey-makey, Piano app Devices, Hardware and software Troubleshooting, Electrical, Body systems Problem solving, Reasoning, Novel Ideas, Inventiveness, Data analysis, Articulation, Application, Empathy
7 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Coding farms Project Brief

Coding To design and code a animation to show a farmer how crops can be harvested from the farms using different methods . 8 Hrs 20 Engagements , Scratch 3.0 Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems, Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits, Ecosystems: (Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics), Computing Systems, Algorithm and Programming, Data and Analysis,
Collaboration Skills, ICT Skills, Literacy Skills, Social-Emotional Skills, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Information Literacy
8 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Seasonal Saver Project Brief

Design To make a seasonal kit consisting of useful tools/objects that help street children to adjust and survive during extreme weather conditions in all the seasons. 8 Hrs 20 Engagements Straw Construction Kit Ecosystems:( Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics ), Structures and Processes, Patterns & cycles, Measurement and Data, Geometry
Perspective, Articulation, Problem Solving, Logical Thinking, Data Analysis, Data Collection, Adaptability
9 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Art Bot Project Brief

Robotics To design and build a robot that can help an artist to create modern art. 5 Hrs 10
Snap Circuit Kit
Motion, Energy, Circuits, Balanced Force, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Shapes and Attributes Problem Solving, Empathy, Inventiveness, Self-Awareness, Logical Thinking
10 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Smokeless ovens Project Brief

Design To design a earth oven which minimizes the direct contact of smoke with the person cooking food.
7 Hrs 12 Engagements Clay Moulding Body systems, Requirements of living things, Habitats & survival, Energy and fuels, Heat and every day changes, Conduction of heat, Properties of material, Shapes and its attributes, Length, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Problem solving, Novel Ideas, Data collection, Social Awareness, Comprehension, Social Awareness, Empathy, Novel Ideas, Self- Awareness, Consensus, Perspective
11 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) Crank Light Project Brief

Electronics To build a tool that can show the different energy transformations from electrical to other forms of energy.
6 Hrs 12 Engagements Snap circuit Energy for food production in animals and plants, Body systems, Conservation of energy, Conservation of resources, Type of energy, Conversion/transfer of energy, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Length, Sources of light Comprehension, Data collection, Adaptability, Problem solving, Consensus, Self- Awareness, Fluency
12 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3)
Mapping the society

Project Brief

Coding To make an interactive map for a society to help visitors navigate smoothly by using the directions. 7 Hrs 16 Engagements Block Programming Kit Maps, Devices ,Length, Algorithm, Controls,Troubleshooting , Impacts of computing
Data analysis, Consensus, Self- Awareness , Logical thinking, Problem solving, Application
13 Beginner (Grade 1 to 3) What's up moon? Project Brief

Coding To create an animation for teachers that can be used for explaining phases of moon in an interactive manner. 8 Hrs 18 Engagements Scratch, Simulator Waves: Light and sound, Patterns & cycles, Earth's movements, Computing Systems, Algorithms and Programming Perspective, Fluency, Self- Awareness,
Problem solving, Application ,Empathy,
14 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Physical Activity Tracker Project Briefđź”—

Coding Make a wearable gadget that can monitor physical activity tracking and motivate the user to stay more active 7 Hrs 14 Engagements Micro:bit, MakeCode, Tinkercad
Characteristics of Living Things, Energy and fuels, Energy Flow in Organisms, Charts and Data, Computer Programming , Variables, Body Systems, Hardware and software Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Information Literacy, Innovation, Collaboration
15 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Saving Sea Turtles Project Brief

Coding To build a smart lighting solution for beaches that does not harm sea turtles 8 Hrs 16 Engagements Micro:bit, Makecode, Tinkercad
Adaptations and survival, Reproduction, Life cycles, Luminous and non luminous objects, Design and Technology, Shapes and its attributes, Devices, Sources of light, Hardware and software, Algorithms, Controls, Variables, Angle, Volume Comprehension, Novel Ideas, Problem Solving, Application, Originality of thoughts, Empathy, Consensus, Perspective, Problem Solving, Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Perspective
16 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Intruder alarm Project Brief

Electronics To build and implement an automatic alarm system at home which should activate automatically in case of an attempt of an unwanted intrusion .
8 Hrs 15 Engagements Snap circuit kit
Micro:bit board
Makecode editor
Adaptations & survival, Devices, Natural calamities, Electrical, Types of energy, Sources of sound, Ways sound can be created, Devices, Network communication and organization, Hardware and software, Design in, Technology and Engineering Education, Controls Empathy, Data collection, Problem solving, Novel Ideas, Originality of thoughts, Comprehension, Social Awareness, Reasoning, Inventiveness, Decision making, Mindfulness, Self- Awareness, Planning, Fluency
17 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Portable Greenhouse Project Brief

Design To design a structure to be placed over plants in farms to help them grow well under unfavourable weather conditions. 8 Hrs 18 Engagements Tinkercad Design
Straw it kit
Waves: Light and sound, Structures and Processes, Patterns & cycles, Motion and Stability, Measurement and Data, Geometry
Reasoning, Problem solving, Self- Awareness, Data analysis, Data interpretation, Inventiveness
18 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Happy Flappy Project Brief

Game Development Build a modified version of flappy bird game based on the theme happiness. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements Scratch Coordinate plane, Culture - Communication, Variables, Functions, Data Types, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Loops, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - End User Inclusion, Program Development - Abstraction, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Impacts of Technology, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Algorithms, Integration of Knowledge, Technologies, and Practices Leadership, Fluency, Application, Reasoning, Mindfulness, Prioritizing, Time Management, Data collection, Consensus, Weather Maps, Originality of thoughts, Problem solving
19 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Play to Sustain Project Brief

Game Development To develop a “Play to Sustain” game based on the theme of one of the SDG. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements Scratch Integration of Knowledge, Technologies, and Practices, Impacts of Technology, Coordinate plane, Culture - Communication, Variables, Functions, Data Types, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Loops, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - Abstraction, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Impacts of Technology, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Algorithms, Human Impacts Leadership, Fluency, Application, Reasoning, Mindfulness, Prioritizing, Time Management, Data collection, Consensus, Weather Maps, Originality of thoughts, Problem solving
20 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Animal prosthetics Project Brief

Design To design a prosthetic limb for an animal. 8 Hrs 18 Engagement Tinkercad Design Matter and Its Interactions, Structures and Processes, Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits, Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity, Computing Systems, Measurement and Data, Geometry, Engineering and Technology Standards Perspective, Fluency, Self- Awareness,
Problem solving, Application, Empathy,
21 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Smart waste segregation Project Brief

Robotics To design a robotic arm which can automatically detects and remove metal waste from the garbage using a magnetic field sensor. 8 Hrs 18 Engagements Micro:bit , Makecode editor Motion and Stability, Matter and Its Interactions, Sensors, Actuators, Impacts of computing, Algorithm and Programming Problem solving, Novel Ideas, Inventiveness, Data interpretation, Data collection, Comprehension, Application, Consensus, Empathy, Perspective, Mindfulness
22 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Tool Ninja Project Brief

Design To develop a product that eases the task of using intricate or heavy tools in confined spaces or situations with minimized safety hazards. 8 Hrs 21 Engagements Tinkercad Design
Gravity in the Solar System, Earth's Magnetic Field , Magnet , Ferromagnetic Material, Scale Drawing, Materials Humans Use, Volume, 3-Dimensional Figures , Design in Technology and Engineering Education

Problem solving, Empathy , Logical Thinking, Data Analysis , Novel Ideas, Application, Social Awareness, Novel Ideas, Mindfulness, Articulation
23 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Weather and Pollution Alert Project Brief

App Development Build a weather and pollution alert app. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements MIT App Inventor Climate Change, Air Quality, Types of Air Pollution, Effects of Air Pollution on the Environment, Collecting Weather Data, Circulation in the Atmosphere, Pressure and Density of the Atmosphere, Predicting Weather, Weather Maps, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Functions, Variables, Conditionals, Program Development - Testing, Data Types, Program Development - Creation, Network Communication & Organization - Abstraction, Modularity - User Experience, Algorithms, Servers, APIs Leadership, Fluency, Application, Reasoning, Mindfulness, Prioritizing, Time Management, Data collection, Consensus, Weather Maps, Originality of thoughts, Problem solving
24 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Lost & Found App Project Brief

App Development To build an APP that supports community members find lost items. 7 Hrs 14 Engagements MIT App Inventor Algorithms, Data Types, Conditionals, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Collaboration, Culture - Communication, Social Interactions, Servers Logical Thinking. Problem solving, Originality of thoughts, Adaptability, Application, Perspective, Cultural Awareness, Social Awareness, Self- Awareness, Prioritizing
25 Intermediate (Grade 4 to 6) Oil spill cleaner Project Brief

Robotics To develop a unmanned floating vehicle that can be used to automatically or remotely clean up an oil spill. 7 Hrs 14 Engagements Micro:bit, Makecode, Tinkercad
Network Communication & Organization, Radio waves, Algorithms, Devices, Controls and Conditionals, Buoyancy, Design in Technology and Engineering Education Consensus, Self-Awareness, Fluency, Problem solving
26 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Coding Arts Project Brief

Coding To build an artwork using computational thinking and programming utilizing the concepts of arts, maths, and/or science. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements P5.js Ratio, Unit rate and ratio, Multistep ratio and Percent problems, Arithmetic to Algebraic expressions, Dependent and Independent variable, Expressions and Equations in Natural Sciences, Coordinate plane, 2-Dimensional Figures, Scale Drawing, Angle, Properties of rotations, reflections, and translations, Motion, Physical Equations, Algorithms, Variables , Functions, Data Types, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Loops, Culture - Inclusion, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Equations Logical Thinking, Problem solving, Reasoning, Novel Ideas, Originality of thoughts, Inventiveness, Digital ethics, Planning, Application, Leadership, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Prioritizing
27 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Light-sensitive Device Project Brief

Electronics To build a light sensitive switch and implement it in house door light to make it more efficient. 10 Hrs 14 Engagements Arduino IDE, Arduino UNO, Light Sensor Impacts of Technology, Electronic System Design, Voltage, Circuit Controls, Resistance, Circuits, Switches, Sensors, Resistance, Analog Electronic Signal, Digital Electronic Signal, Sensors, Transistors, Switches, LEDs, Soldering, Relay, Transistors Problem solving, Reasoning, Novel Ideas, Inventiveness, Data interpretation, Planning, Consensus, Perspective, Social Awareness, Self- Awareness
28 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Brand marketing game Project Brief

Game Development To build a game named by following game development process using JavaScript Programming Language that help a company for marketing its brand. 11 Hrs 18 Engagements P5.js Variables, Functions, Data Types, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Loops, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - End User Inclusion, Program Development - Abstraction, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Impacts of Technology, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Algorithms Logical Thinking, Problem solving, Reasoning, Originality of thoughts, Adaptability, Planning, Articulation, Comprehension, Application, Fluency, Decision making, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Prioritizing, Time Management
29 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Bio-bots Project Brief

Robotics To build a bio-bot inspired from the macro or micro movements in natural world. 11 Hrs 20 Engagements Arduino UNO, Motors, Arduino IDE, Sensors Perspective, Articulation, Problem Solving, Logical Thinking, Data Analysis, Data Collection, Adaptibility Logical Thinking, Data collection, Adaptability, Planning, Comprehension, Application, Fluency, Decision making, Leadership, Social Awareness, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Time Management
30 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Rockets Project Brief

Aerospace To design and build a model rocket that can carry a given load to a given height. 9 Hrs 10 engagements Rocket Simulation Space Technology, Ratio, Weight, Torque, Balanced Force, Center of Gravity, Center of Pressure, Aerodynamic forces, Newton's First Law, Newton's Third Law, Distance, Projectile Motion, Scale Drawing, Angle, Graphical Representations, Design in Technology and Engineering Education Data collection, Application, Comprehension, Data analysis, Decision making, Dialogue, Critical Thinking
31 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Photobooth 360 Project Brief đź”—

Outcome đź”—
Design To build an automatic turntable to help small retailers in improving their sales by improving product visuals without increasing much of their efforts. 9 Hrs 10 Engagements Motors, 360 Degree Camera App,
Persistence of Vision, Motors, Voltage, Resistance, Circuits, Resistors Circuit Controls, Electronic Signal, Electronic Component, Rotational, Motion, Rotational Speed, Potentiometer Logical Thinking, Problem solving, Novel Ideas, Originality of thoughts, Data collection, Application, Empathy
32 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Artificial Orthopedics Project Brief

Design To design a 3D prototype of an artificial joint considering its function in human body. 9 Hrs 16 Engagements Tinkercad, Anatomical Simulator Human Body, Diseases, Lifestyle & Health Issues, Disorders, Ageing, Human Skeletal System, Bone Health
Bone Joints, Human Biomechanics, Human Anatomy, Skeletal Muscles, Design in Technology and Engineering Education
Problem solving, Data collection, Digital ethics, Empathy, Reasoning, Application, Perspective, Application, Originality of thoughts, Problem solving, Novel Ideas, Data interpretation, Fluency, Cultural Awareness, Adaptability
33 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Mood Light Project Brief

Electronics To build a lighting system that can change color as per user mood or task requirement. 10 Hrs 14 Engagements Arduino IDE, Arduino UNO, LEDs Light and Color, LED, Circuit Controls, Microcontroller, Switches, Soldering, Electronic Device, Electronic Circuit Design, Variables, Functions, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Culture - Inclusion Problem solving, Reasoning, Inventiveness, Data interpretation, Data collection, Application, Leadership, Social Awareness, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Prioritizing
34 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Voice Note Taking Project Brief

App Development To build a voice note taking Mobile App that can create lists of voice notes that later can be read or heard. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements MIT App Inventor, Firebase Storage, Variables, Functions, Data Types, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Loops, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - End User Inclusion, Program Development - Abstraction, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Impacts of Technology, Design in Technology and Engineering Education Data interpretation, Data collection, Originality of thoughts, Problem solving, Logical Thinking, Reasoning, ICT Application, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Prioritizing, Time Management
35 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) School Bus Tracker Project Brief

App Development To build a Bus tracking System that helps parents track their child’s ride while moving from and to the school. 12 Hrs 25 Engagements MIT App Inventor, Firebase Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Functions, Variables, Conditionals, Program Development - Testing, Data Types, Program Development - Creation, Network Communication & Organization - Abstraction, Modularity - User Experience, Algorithms, Servers, APIs, Location, Maps, Geo-Positioning System, Geographical Coordinates Application, Reasoning, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Prioritizing , Time Management , Data collection, Consensus, Empathy, Logical Thinking, Problem solving, Originality of thoughts. Fluency
36 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Sower Bot Project Brief

Robotics To build a wheeled robot that can be automated to sow seeds in farms. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements Arduino UNO, Motors, Arduino IDE Farming Processes, Design in Technology and Engineering Education, Robotics Mechanisms, Robotic Systems, Mechanical Joints and Linkages, Simple Machine, Mechanical Advantage, Motion, Balanced Force, Rotational Speed, Newton's Second Law, Motors, DC Motor, Current, Voltage, Circuits, Resistors, Microcontroller, Electronic Circuit Design, Variables, Data Types, Conditionals, Loops, Control - Computational problems, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Wheel and Axle Logical Thinking, Problem solving, Problem solving, Novel Ideas, Originality of thoughts, Data collection, Application, Empathy
37 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Remote Health Monitor Project Brief

Internet of Things To build a remote health monitor for doctors who need to do general check up of the patients living in remote area. 9 Hrs 14 Engagements Arduino IDE, ESP32, Arduino IOT Cloud, Biomedical Sensors Human Body , Diseases, Lifestyle health issues, Human Body, Homeostasis, Human Body Systems, Biochemical Reactions, Controls and Conditionals, Data Collection, Type of data, Mean, Sampling, Impacts of Technology, Integration of Knowledge, Technologies, and Practices, Variables, Functions, Classes and Objects, Program Development - Communication Application, Fluency, Reasoning, Application, Self- Awareness, Data collection, Data interpretation, Adaptability, Perspective, Decision making, Reasoning
38 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Internet of farms Project Brief

Internet of Things To develop a real-time monitoring system to help mushroom farmers observe environmental factors to ensure proper mushroom growth. 10 Hrs 20 Engagements ESP32, Arduino IDE, ThingSpeak IoT Cloud Nutrition for Human Beings, Life Cycle, Environment and Organism, Network Communication & Organization, Computing Devices, Sensors, Multimeter Circuits, Resistance, Voltage, Circuits, Electronic System Design, Electronic Circuit Design, Microcontroller, Resistors, Variables, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Program Development - Testing, Servers, APIs Data collection, Data interpretation, Problem solving, Planning, Dialogue, Originality of thoughts, Reasoning, Application, Perspective, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Prioritizing, Time Management, CT Skills, Digital ethics
39 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) X-Ray Logist Project Brief

Machine Learning To build a pneumonia prediction app for radiologists with an objective to make radiological analysis efficient and precise. 10 Hrs 16 Engagements MIT App Inventor, Teachable Machine, Kaggle Data Visualization, Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Human Body, X-rays, Medical Imaging, Storage, Data Collection, Data Transformation, Inference & Models, Algorithms, Variables, Functions, Data Types, Conditionals, Arithmetic Operators, Loops, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - End User Inclusion, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Collaboration, Program Development - Communication, Machine Learning, Culture - Inclusion Problem solving, Reasoning, Novel Ideas, Inventiveness, Data analysis, Data Interpretation, Data collection, Comprehension, Application, Fluency, Consensus, Empathy, Social Awareness, Self- Awareness, Time Management
40 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Intelligent Traffic Management Project Brief

Electronics To build a traffic light system that can auto-operate to improve efficiency of traffic flow across it. 10 Hrs 22 Engagements Arduino UNO, Arduino IDE, IR Sensor, Soldering Electronic System Design, Voltage, Circuit Controls, Resistance, Circuits, Logical Thinking, Multimeter, Data analysis, Data Plotting, Current, Ohm's Law, Electronic Circuit Design, Microcontroller, Variables, Functions, Conditionals, Program Development - Usage, Analog Electronic, Digital Electronic Signal, Modularity - Computational Problems, Sensors, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Analog Electronic Signal, Digital Electronic Signal, Algorithms, Soldering, Infrared Wave Problem solving, Comprehension, Data analysis, Decision Making, Collaboration, Self- Awareness, Fluency, Logical Thinking
41 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Mobile Device Detection System Project Brief

Electronics To develop a mobile phone detector that can be used at mobile-restricted areas. 10 Hrs 18 Engagements Op-Amp, Circuit Designer, Soldering Transistors, Capacitors, Antenna, Electronic System Design, Voltage, Circuit Controls, Resistance, Circuits, Logical Thinking, Resistors, Multimeter, Data analysis, Data Plotting, Current, Ohm's Law, Electronic Circuit Design, Microcontroller, Variables, Functions , Conditionals, Analog Electronic, Digital Electronic Signal, Modularity - Computational Problems, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Soldering, Radio Waves Logical Thinking, Problem solving, Reasoning, Data analysis, Data collection, Comprehension, Application, Decision Making, Perspective, Self- Awareness, Prioritizing
42 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Smart Switch Project Brief

Internet of Things To build an intelligent swicth that can be used to contol and monitor energy consumption by any AC appliance 10 hrs 12 Engagements Arduino IDE, ESP32, Arduino IOT Cloud, Motors Impacts of Technology, Network Communication & Organization - Communication, Devices, Hardware & Software, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternate and Direct Current, Devices, Hardware & Software, Variables, Functions, Conditionals, Modularity - Computational Problems, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Testing, Multimeter Logical Thinking, Data collection, Adaptability, Planning, Comprehension, Application, Fluency, Decision making, Leadership, Social Awareness, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Time Management
43 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Recyclable Project Brief

Machine Learning To build an AI based app for general public that can categorize items as per their recyclability and help people use them to build a sustainable environment. 10 Hrs 16 Engagements MIT App Inventor, Teachable Machine Culture - Inclusion, Algorithm, Data, Inference and Models, Modularity - Computational Problems, Data Collection, Data Transformation, Program Development - Testing, Program Development - Usage, Modularity - User Experience, Program Development -Creation, Modularity - Abstraction, Program Development - Communication Information Literacy, Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Application, Self Awareness
44 Advance (Grade 7 to 10) Anti-Poaching Project Brief

Machine Learning To build a system to track illegeal human activities in forests using sound recognition. 10 Hrs 14 Engagements MIT App Inventor, Teachable Machine, P5.JS Machine Learning, Superwised Machine Learning, Food Chain, Terrestrial Biomes, Mass Extinction, Integration of Technologies, Scientific Notations, Data, Type of data, Sampling, Data Collection, Data Visualization, Algorithms, Program Development - Creation, Program Development - Usage Problem solving, Reasoning, Novel Ideas, Data analysis, Data interpretation, Data collection, Comprehension, Application, Consensus, Empathy, Self- Awareness, Mindfulness, Time Management

About Makershala

Makershala is a Learning by Making ecosystem for kids from age 8-16 to help them discover their interests, develop future skills and deepen conceptual understanding. Makershala follows the Project Based Learning approach as its way of teaching in which kids work on authentic, real life & personally meaningful projects.

Kids work on these projects in different educational settings, namely; self-learning; online 1:4 Peer to Peer with a mentor; or in a school. Projects are categorized in different interest segments like Robotics, Coding, Electronics, 3D Printing, Animations, Photography, Machine Learning, Astronomy and many more.

Each project is mapped with classroom concepts, 21st century skills, UN sustainable development goals and interests/careers to not only focus on holistic development of a child but help them identify their calling by giving them exposure to problems that exist in the real world.

Why Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning has the potential to solve many of the learning problems we see today beyond foundational literacy.

  • Ownership: Learners have complete ownership on what they need to know to solve a problem and come up with the best solution in the best way. It can be a concept or a software tool or a skill. Kids involved in projects are never required to be told to study.

  • Interdisciplinary: Unlike traditional learning where subjects are taught in silos and learners develop a perception of liking or disliking a subject. In project based learning, the given problem is supreme and it may require to know something from maths, science and history together.

  • Experiential learning: We generally retain 75% of what we do as opposed to only 5% of what we hear and 10% of what we read, hence PBL helps kids retain what they learn.

  • Lifelong learning: The most important gift that PBL gives to its learners is to make them lifelong learners as this is the most required skill to lead a good life, personally & professionally.

  • Skills & Knowledge balance: Project-based learning doesn’t focus too much on memorizing information, rather it equally demands practising life skills to be able to do better in projects.

How Makershala Works

  • Parents and Kids who wish to start their journey with Makershala, are suggested to pick one interest area of the child and then choose a plan.

  • Parents and Kids after enrolling in a course based on their interest are assigned a batch. Each batch has 3-4 learners and 1 mentor.

  • Each course has 6 guided projects and 1 challenge project.

  • During the project, formative assessments are conducted to evaluate learner’s knowledge & skills.

  • On completion of a project parents and kids get a learning report which indicates the skills and knowledge developed/displayed by them.

  • Kids also build their portfolio which showcases problems solved, solutions created, skills developed, knowledge acquired and technologies learnt.

  • Kids earn rewards in the form of badges, points and coins for their performance in a project, course and overall.

  • Kids are maneuvered to take up courses and projects from different learning segments to gain more clarity on their interests. This eventually helps them in picking up a career.