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21st century parent parent of 8 to 16 years old kids parents of stem learners




As we know an Array is a particular variable that can store multiple values . They store data of the same/ similar types. It is the simplest data structure where each data element can be accessed directly by only using its index number. find the data type (like int ) and specify the name of the array followed by square brackets []. To insert values to it, use a comma-separated list, inside curly braces: int myNumbers[] = {25, 50, 75, 100};.

What comes in an array?
Teaching Multiplication with Arrays in Math | Houghton ...
An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in rows and columns.
What is the syntax of an array?
Declaration Syntax of Array:

int A[10]; Here 10 means, this array A can have 10 integer elements. char B[10]; This array B can have 10 character elements.     
Where can arrays be used?
Arrays are used to store lists of related information. Your shopping list (Type = string); for the names of the students in a class (type = string) for the grades for the first exam (type = numbers). Note: Array variables should usually be named with "plural" words. For example: grades, students, words. 
Where are arrays used outside of programming? 
Arrays are used in many ways practically in real life. There are many array-structured physical devices such as computer screens, televisions and phased-array radar. Image processing such as can be done with Photoshop applies algorithms to arrays representing photo data. 
Why do we use arrays for kids?
Arrays can be helpfully used to explore calculations such as 13 x 5 where the array can be split into useful chunks such as 10 and 3. This means that children can use their known number facts to work out calculations.

Applications of Arrays

  • Implementation of Stacks and Queues. Arrays can be used to implement stack and queue data structures. 
  • Implementation of other data structures.
  • CPU Scheduling.
  • Processing an Image.
  • Implementation of complete binary trees.

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About Makershala

Makershala is a Learning by Making ecosystem for kids from age 8-16 to help them discover their interests, develop future skills and deepen conceptual understanding. Makershala follows the Project Based Learning approach as its way of teaching in which kids work on authentic, real life & personally meaningful projects.

Kids work on these projects in different educational settings, namely; self-learning; online 1:4 Peer to Peer with a mentor; or in a school. Projects are categorized in different interest segments like Robotics, Coding, Electronics, 3D Printing, Animations, Photography, Machine Learning, Astronomy and many more.

Each project is mapped with classroom concepts, 21st century skills, UN sustainable development goals and interests/careers to not only focus on holistic development of a child but help them identify their calling by giving them exposure to problems that exist in the real world.

Why Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning has the potential to solve many of the learning problems we see today beyond foundational literacy.

  • Ownership: Learners have complete ownership on what they need to know to solve a problem and come up with the best solution in the best way. It can be a concept or a software tool or a skill. Kids involved in projects are never required to be told to study.

  • Interdisciplinary: Unlike traditional learning where subjects are taught in silos and learners develop a perception of liking or disliking a subject. In project based learning, the given problem is supreme and it may require to know something from maths, science and history together.

  • Experiential learning: We generally retain 75% of what we do as opposed to only 5% of what we hear and 10% of what we read, hence PBL helps kids retain what they learn.

  • Lifelong learning: The most important gift that PBL gives to its learners is to make them lifelong learners as this is the most required skill to lead a good life, personally & professionally.

  • Skills & Knowledge balance: Project-based learning doesn’t focus too much on memorizing information, rather it equally demands practising life skills to be able to do better in projects.

How Makershala Works

  • Parents and Kids who wish to start their journey with Makershala, are suggested to pick one interest area of the child and then choose a plan.

  • Parents and Kids after enrolling in a course based on their interest are assigned a batch. Each batch has 3-4 learners and 1 mentor.

  • Each course has 6 guided projects and 1 challenge project.

  • During the project, formative assessments are conducted to evaluate learner’s knowledge & skills.

  • On completion of a project parents and kids get a learning report which indicates the skills and knowledge developed/displayed by them.

  • Kids also build their portfolio which showcases problems solved, solutions created, skills developed, knowledge acquired and technologies learnt.

  • Kids earn rewards in the form of badges, points and coins for their performance in a project, course and overall.

  • Kids are maneuvered to take up courses and projects from different learning segments to gain more clarity on their interests. This eventually helps them in picking up a career.